Compliant Robotics Lab
soft design and control stiff - be inherently safe
The research network Humanoid Robotics and Human-Technology Interaction at the Beuth HS stands for the interdisciplinary investigation of human-centered, self-determined, reliable and information-safe interaction between humans and a new type of humanoid robot assistance system in various fields of application.
Human VR Lab
The HumanVRLab is the development of an interdisciplinary research platform that combines the technical components of virtual reality, motion tracking, artificial intelligence and robotics within a real-time calculation system, fundet by the BMBF.
Robotics, Biorobotics
Biorobotics is a term that loosely covers the fields of robotics, cybernetics, biomimetics and even engineering as a collective study.
Bionik, Biomimetics
Bionik or biomimetics combines biology and technologie with the goal of abstraction, transmission and application of knowledge that are gained through interdisciplinary collaboration of biological models to solve engineering problems (VDI-6220 2011).
Human-Robot Interaction
An interdisciplinary team of researchers from the fields of robotic engineering, biophysics, science and technology studies, neurobiology and interaction design has come together in the junior research group MTI-engAge to investigate criteria and possibilities of a successful HRI with a holistic approach.
Evolutionary Optimization
Evolutionary Algorithms (EA) are a class of stochastic, metaheuristic optimization and search method which inspired by the basic principles of biological evolution.