Conference Papers

2023: Lorentz V., Weiss M., Hildebrand K., Boblan I.: Pointing Gestures for Human-Robot Interaction with the Humanoid Robot Digit. In 32nd IEEE Int. Conf. on Robot and Human Interactive Communication. August 28-31, 2023. Busan, Korea, p. 7 | doi


2023: Pawluchin A., Meindl M., Seel Th., Boblan I.: Accurate and agile control of a pneumatic robotic actuator by GP-based feedforward learning. In Proc. on Automation in Medical Engineering, AUTOMED. March 30-31, 2023, Gießen, Germany, Vol. 2 No. 1, p. 2 | Article Ref 753


2023: Schanz S., Boblan I.: Analysis of Three-Dimensional Fish Fin Deformation for Application in Passive Adaptive Grippers. In Tagungsbeiträge 10. Bremer Bionik-Kongress, Bionik: Patente aus der Natur. Hrsg.: Antonia B. Kesel, Birte S. Löffler. May 12-13, 2023, Bremen, Germany, p. 8 | ISBN 978-3-00-076671-8


2019: Martens M., Zawatzki J., Seel Th. and Boblan I.: A pneumatic-muscle-actuator-driven knee rehabilitation device for CAM therapy. In 41st Annual Int. Conf. of the IEEE Engineering in Medicine and Biology Society, EMBC 2019. July 23-27, 2019, Berlin, Germany, p. 6 | doi


2018: Martens M., Seel Th., Boblan I.: A decoupling servo pressure controller for pneumatic muscle actuators. In 23rd Int. Conf. on Methods and Models in Automation and Robotics, MMAR 2018, Międzyzdroje, Poland, p. 6 | doi


2017: Martens M., Passon A. and Boblan I.: A sensor-less approach of a torque controller for pneumatic muscle actuator driven joints. In 3rd Int. Conf. on Control, Automation and Robotics, ICCAR 2017, Nagoya, 2017, pp. 477-482 | doi


2016: Compagna D., Marquardt M., Weidemann A., Boblan I.: "At least there is something human in you…" – The Provocation of Social Robots for Modern Societies. In 15th Annual STS Conf. Critical Issues in Science, Technology and Society Studies, 9-10 May 2016, Graz, p. 5 | ResearchGate


2016: Weidemann A., Compagna D., Marquardt M., Martens M. and Boblan I.: Biological, Biomimetic and Sociological Aspects of Human-Robot Interaction in Work Environments. In 18th Int. Conf. on Human-Computer Interaction – HCII 2016, Toronto, Canada, July 17-22, p. 12 | SpringerLink


2014: Sagheby S.H., Tawackolian K., Boblan I., Schmid M., Kriegel M. : Bio-Net: Bionik in thermischen Verteilnetzen, S. -, Tagung, Deutscher Kälte- und Klimatechnischer Verein e.V., Düsseldorf, Germany, 2014, ISBN 978-3-932715-50-1


2013: Boblan I., Schulz A., Tuchscherer A., Perfilov I., Bertrand B.: A Compliant Lightweight Universal Joint Cascadable to a Multi-joint Kinematics - Tripedale Alternanzkaskade TAK. In 6th Int. Symp. on Adaptive Motion of Animal and Machines, AMAM 2013, Darmstadt, Germany, Mar. 11st-14th, 2013, p. 4 | pdf 247kB


2010: Schulz A., Boblan I., Bannasch R., Miersch L., Schwenk H.: Der Humanoide Muskelroboter Torso ZAR5 - Elektronik- und Softwareentwicklung. Int. Forum Mechatronik 2010, Winterthur, Schweiz, Nov. 3rd-4th, 2010, p. 9 | pdf 167kB


2010: Boblan I., Schulz A.: A Humanoid Muscle Robot Torso with Biologically Inspired Contruction. In 41st Int. Symp. on Robotics - ISR 2010 and 6th German Conf. on Robotics - ROBOTIK, 2010, VDE-Verlag, Jun. 7th-9th, p. 934-939, ISBN 978-3-8007-3273-9 | SpringerLink, pdf 309kB


2006: Boblan I., Bannasch R., Schulz A. and Schwenk H.: A human-like robot torso with fluidic muscles: Biologically inspired engineering. In 3rd Bremer Bionik Kongress, Bremen, Germany, Oct. 27th-28th, 2006, p. 7, ISBN 978-3-00-022050-0 | pdf 285kB


2005: Boblan I., Bannasch R., Maschuw J., Schulz A. and Schwenk H.: A Human-like Robot Hand and Arm with Fluidic Muscles: Modelling of a Muscle Driven Joint with an Antagonistic Setup. In 3rd Int. Symp. on Adaptive Motion in Animals and Machines, AMAM 2005, Technical University Ilmenau, Germany, Sep. 25th-30th, 2005, p. 7, ISBN 3-938843-03-9 | pdf 613kB


2004: Boblan I., Bannasch R., Schwenk H., Pritzel F., Miertsch L., Schulz A.: ZAR4 - Ein Humanoider Roboterarm und 5-finger Hand mit fluidischen Muskeln: Biologienahe Konstruktion und Funktionalität. In 2nd Bremer Bionik Kongress, Bremen, Germany, Oct.r 29rd and 30rd


2002: Santibanez Koref I., Boblan I., Lohnert F., Schütte A.: Causality and Design of Dynamical Systems. In Evolutionary Methods for Design, Optimisation and Control, Giannakoglou K. et al.(Eds.), CIMNE, Barcelona, Spain 2002, p. 229-234 | pdf 206kB


2002: Boblan I., Santibanez Koref I.: SCADS - Identifikation und Strukturdesign von dynamischen Systemen. In GVC/DECHEMA-Jahrestagung, Wiesbaden

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