The IFAF funded project "Exoskelette nach dem Prinzip elastischer Insektenlokomotion - Prototyping" (EPI-P) is a joint project of:
- Berlin University of Applied Sciences working group softrobotics of Prof. Dr.-Ing. Ivo W. Boblan,
- Hochschule für Technik und Wirtschaft Berlin working group medical physics of Prof. Dr.-Ing. Sebastian Götz,
- Carl Stahl Hebetechnik GmbH,
- J. Schmalz GmbH,
- Institut für Arbeitsschutz bei der Deutschen gesetzlichen Unfallversicherung DGUV and
- Xploraytion GmbH.
- Horus Prosthetics GmbH.
- RHS Regelungstechnik, Heizung und Sanitär.
- Klaus LEX e. K. Kran- und Transport.
In the project, the functional models of the knee and bending exoskeleton from the IFAF VERBUND project EPI are adapted to the fields of application of the companies Carl Stahl and Schmalz and structurally optimized for movement-dependent support performance, weight, occupational safety and ergonomics. Functional prototypes should be made available to the transfer partners for practical testing.
The lab is responsible for designing the construction and the modeling, control and supervision of the pneumatic drives for the exoskeleton.