The IFAF funded project "BackBooster-Exoskelett - Optimierung und Evaluation - " (EPI-P) is a joint project of:
- Berlin University of Applied Sciences working group softrobotics of Prof. Dr.-Ing. Ivo W. Boblan,
- Hochschule für Technik und Wirtschaft Berlin working group medical physics of Prof. Dr.-Ing. Sebastian Götz,
- Carl Stahl Hebetechnik GmbH,
- J. Schmalz GmbH,
- Institut für Arbeitsschutz bei der Deutschen gesetzlichen Unfallversicherung DGUV and
- alfred rexroth GmbH.
- Ernst Augustin e.K..
- Oxington GmbH.
- Berlin Partner für Wirtschaft und Technologie GmbH.
In the ExO-Eval project, the passive exoskeleton BackBooster (formerly BiegeExo) developed at BHT and HTW is optimized and adapted in terms of ergonomics and support performance with the company J.Schmalz. At the same time, a meaningful evaluation process is being developed and verified with the company Carl Stahl, which allows various exoskeletons to be measured optically (motion capturing), myoelectrically (EMG) and haptically (ground reaction forces) in the Human.VR.Lab at BHT. The prepared results should then be presented in such a way that a statement can be made about their effectiveness. During the course of the project, work processes, recreated in the stationary Human.VR.Lab and in the mobile Human.VR.Lab (lorry) as well as at real workplaces, are measured with the practice partners and analyzed and evaluated using the IFA. The aim is to combine data across programs and sensors as well as time-synchronous representation and evaluation of the measurement and simulation results.
The lab is responsible for designing the construction and the modeling, control and supervision of the pneumatic drives for the exoskeleton.