ZARx is a dual-arm humanoid muscle robot torso in 5 versions (ZAR means in German: Zweiarmroboter) and was developed in a joint project of:

  • the Department of Bionik und Evolutionstechnik of the Technical University Berlin,
  • the company EvoLogics GmbH and
  • the company Festo AG & Co. KG,

ZAR1 and was launched on 09.07.1999 to life. Only the latest version 5 (ZAR5) has two arms and two five-finger hands and shakes the hand of Chancellor Dr. Angela Merkel at the Hannover Fair 2006.


For more information read on (in German).

Und wir waren nur zu sechst:

zar4-09-team_small.jpg zar4-10-team2_small.jpg zar4-12-team4-Namen_small.jpg

- Dr. Rudolf Bannasch, Fa. Evologics

- Prof. Dr.-Ing. Ivo W. Boblan, Beuth HS für Technik Berlin

- Lars Miersch, Marine Science Center

- Frank Prietzel

- Andreas Schulz

- Hartmut Schwenk

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