The IFAF funded project "Exoskelette nach dem Prinzip elastischer Insektenlokomotion" (EPI) is a joint project of:

The project aims to use the bionics method to investigate the mechanism of the locust jump, extract the underlying operating principle, transfer it to technology and adapt it to a support system (exoskeleton) for the human walking system.

The goal of the project is to structurally and functionally decipher the catapult launch of the locust hind legs and to extend it over time in such a way that the energetic jumping mechanism can be translated into a lower-energy movement cycle for exoskeletons. It will be important to design the method of energy input in such a human-like manner that the range of motion is not restricted, the user experience is great, the ergonomics are high and ultimately safety is guaranteed for the wearer.

Once the locust jump has been decoded, a mechanical replacement model is created, constructed in CAD, numerically simulated under dynamic loads and manufactured using 3D printing. In parallel, the dynamic models of the sensor-actuator coupling and suitable control concepts are developed, tested and transferred to the control hardware of the support system in a program simulation system. Field tests at the application partner and analyzes of occupational safety round off the project.

The lab is responsible for designing the construction and the modeling, control and supervision of the pneumatic drives for the exoskeleton.

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